10 Tips to Keep Your Dogs Healthy

Dogs are members of the family for many people, and as such, we want to do everything we can to keep them healthy. There are a lot of things you can do to make sure your dog stays in good shape, from providing proper nutrition to ensuring they get enough exercise. Being a veterinarian I can provide you with ten tips on how to keep your dog healthy and happy.

Ten Tips to Keep Your Dogs Healthy

  1. The food you feed your pup can have a big impact on his health. So always select high-quality food that is according to the nutritional needs of your dog. Don’t feed them cheap food as most people do.

  2. Dogs need a place to call home, provide them shelter that can save them from hot and cold weather.

  3. Water is essential for good health, make sure your dog always has access to fresh and clean water.

  4. Dogs need cozy and dry bedding to sleep properly.

  5. It is often seen that most dog owners don’t keep an eye on the weight of their dog. To maintain their health you should keep their weight in check and don’t let them get obese.

  6. Exercise is the best way to keep your dogs healthy and happy. Make sure you give them at least an hour of exercise each day.

  7. To keep your dogs mentally active, engage them in playing activities and provide them interactive toys.

  8. Vaccinate your dog so they remain safe from different diseases.

  9. Keep them on a regular deworming schedule after consulting your vet.

  10. Visit your vet from time to time for a proper health checkup of your dog.


With a little bit of effort and time, you can ensure that your best friend is healthy for years to come. If you take the steps we’ve outlined in this blog post, it will be easier to take good care of them. 
