Shelter, Breeder or Pet Store

 From the Shelter: 

I'm going to tell you right now I'm a big fan of getting dogs from the shelter.  My first dog, Princess, came from the shelter, a mixed breed of German Shepard and Golden retriever and absolutely perfect in every way.  My mom picked her out.  She will always have a special place in my heart and mind. 

I didn't get to choose the breed of dog that I wanted.  She wasn't full bred anything and she didn't come from a breeder.  When she came into my life, I didn't know it yet, but she needed me and I needed her.  That was all.  I didn't choose her personality or how much hair she would leave on the furniture. I didn't choose her past and she didn't choose mine.  But we both needed rescuing and I don't think I would miss out on the opportunity to rescue someone that needed my help.   

From the Pet Store: 

I've heard that you still can be sure where the dog comes from before it arrives at the pet store.  I just see the pet store as an option to hopefully avoid purchasing a dog that came from an abusive home.  I'm also heard pet stores charge too much.  

From the Breeder: 

I'm assuming purchasing a dog from a breeder is really expensive.  However, I do remember my mom purchased a bird from a breeder and the details you get from the time that bird is a baby is impressive.  And you get to talk with the breeder and get an understanding of how they treat their animals until they're ready to be delivered from wherever they were born.  And the bird she received was super friendly.  I'm assuming it's the same with the dog.  You know the dogs history from the time it was born.  You know it's parents and you know where they grew up.  You learn what food they grew up eating and how many siblings they had.  You get updated photos as time goes by all the way up until the day the bird was delivered.  

I've also heard that reputable breeders are registered with the AKC.  They are willing to take the dog back and keep a close eye on the health records of their parents. 
