
Showing posts from December, 2021

10 Tips to Keep Your Dogs Healthy

Dogs are members of the family for many people, and as such, we want to do everything we can to keep them healthy. There are a lot of things you can do to make sure your dog stays in good shape, from providing proper nutrition to ensuring they get enough exercise. Being a veterinarian I can provide you with ten tips on how to keep your dog healthy and happy. Ten Tips to Keep Your Dogs Healthy The food you feed your pup can have a big impact on his health. So always select high-quality food that is according to the nutritional needs of your dog. Don’t feed them cheap food as most people do. Dogs need a place to call home, provide them shelter that can save them from hot and cold weather. Water is essential for good health, make sure your dog always has access to fresh and clean water. Dogs need cozy and dry bedding to sleep properly. It is often seen that most dog owners don’t keep an eye on the weight of their dog. To maintain their health you should keep their weight in check and don’

Shelter, Breeder or Pet Store

  From the Shelter:   I'm going to tell you right now I'm a big fan of getting dogs from the shelter.  My first dog, Princess, came from the shelter, a mixed breed of German Shepard and Golden retriever and absolutely perfect in every way.  My mom picked her out.  She will always have a special place in my heart and mind.  I didn't get to choose the breed of dog that I wanted.  She wasn't full bred anything and she didn't come from a breeder.  When she came into my life, I didn't know it yet, but she needed me and I needed her.  That was all.  I didn't choose her personality or how much hair she would leave on the furniture. I didn't choose her past and she didn't choose mine.  But we both needed rescuing and I don't think I would miss out on the opportunity to rescue someone that needed my help.    From the Pet Store:  I've heard that you still can be sure where the dog comes from before it arrives at the pet store.  I just see the pet store

Favorite Movies Featuring Animals

Bird Escape - Bird Problems in Weymouth

 My bird, a red breasted conure, Peppers, always escapes from her cage.  The cage is a bit old, but still in great condition with the exception of the tap that keeps her water and food containers locked in place.  We're currently using a fairly tightly wrapped string to keep it closed for the time being.  However, Peppers is a smart bird that can't stand to be away from us for too long.  Basically, whenever she's awake is equal to the amount of time she wants to be right next to us.  Mainly right next to our ears.   I wanted to capture the whole process of her trying to escape on camera.  I've also noticed she doesn't like us to see her escaping.  When she thinks we're watching, she pretends to eat her seeds. So instead of standing there using the video on my phone.  I left it recording and left the room.   Honestly, I thought she was a bit faster, but nine minutes later she was out of the cage.  Still pretty fast, knowing she was watching her own back to make s

Rallo - Dog Problems in Quincy.

 Rallo goes nuts every time I come over the house.   He's always jumping up and it's hard to get him to calm down.   Even when he's sitting after you repeatedly tell him to sit, you can tell he's still bursting with energy.   He might just explode from enthusiasm one day.   I plan on taking home for a walk every time I visit my brother's house to drain off some of that energy.  But the walk is never enough.     The harness is the only good way to take Rallo for a walk.  He really does well with it.  With only a collar however he pulls and pulls despite the strain in surely puts on his kneck.    The harness is not perfect but you can tell he's comfortable and for whatever reason he's more under control.      He still needs to be monitored but there's no call for any real concern unless she sees another dog or person.  I think Rallos friendly but I'm not sure how he is with new people or dogs.  Despite this, I know he overall a very friendly dog.   I j

Bird Roast - Pet Problems in Weymouth MA

Peppers is like no other bird I've ever met.  Some birds take time to warm up to you.  Peppers took a day due to jet lag but after that she started running the place.   The longer she stayed the comfortable she got chewing the door frame, flying on our heads and dropping food in our hair, This was intended to be a pleasant article but honestly this bird stepping on my phone and chewing it at the moment gets on my nerves on a regular basis.  I think she sees mom and I as floating islands to land on during snack time for entertainment.  If we don't give her attention, she'll bite our ears.   And it's not as if she doesn't have space in and around her cage.   Her cage is about 4ft tall and 4square ft.  She's next to two parakeets in a cage of equal size.   We don't let them out because Peppers either doesn't like other birds or gets jealous and as a result she can be violent.  But the parakeets are content with the space they have.   One of them isn't v