
Showing posts from January, 2022

All Dogs Hate Fireworks - Quincy MA

 I remember my dog Princess would always go crazy on the fourth of July and News Year's Eve because of the fireworks. I know other dogs have this problem too, but not all, to my understanding.  I assuming is on account of their big ears.  They can hear much better than we can and also they don't understand the reason for the sound.  This always caused my dog to panic.   I remember looking for her around the neighborhood one Fourth of July for maybe about an hour only to find out after returning home that she had been down the basement the entire time.  I can't remember exactly how she got out the house in the first place, but I'm sure from then on I kept an eye on her and spent time with her whenever the fireworks were going off.   I'm no dog trainer, but I do remember a dog trainer telling me expected distraction are opportunities to train your dog and teach them how to react appropriately.  You want your dog to stay calm and stay focused on you.  By rewarding dog